DescrTab2 - Publication Quality Descriptive Statistics Tables
Provides functions to create descriptive statistics tables for continuous and categorical variables. By default, summary statistics such as mean, standard deviation, quantiles, minimum and maximum for continuous variables and relative and absolute frequencies for categorical variables are calculated. 'DescrTab2' features a sophisticated algorithm to choose appropriate test statistics for your data and provides p-values. On top of this, confidence intervals for group differences of appropriated summary measures are automatically produces for two-group comparison. Tables generated by 'DescrTab2' can be integrated in a variety of document formats, including .html, .tex and .docx documents. 'DescrTab2' also allows printing tables to console and saving table objects for later use.
Last updated 10 months ago
7.19 score 9 stars 1 packages 19 scripts 377 downloadsMetaNLP - Natural Language Processing for Meta Analysis
Given a CSV file with titles and abstracts, the package creates a document-term matrix that is lemmatized and stemmed and can directly be used to train machine learning methods for automatic title-abstract screening in the preparation of a meta analysis.
Last updated 16 days ago
4.32 score 3 stars 1 scripts 140 downloads